this message may be offensive
Hng fool by cavetown is a current mood.
Also I have a hockey tournament which sucks because my asthma is real bad rn, although my coach is letting me give him my inhaler now during practice n shit which is nice because I'm not going to actually suffocate.
I told my dad that I'm pretty suicidal.
You wanna know his response?
"When you kill yourself you erase yourself from the earth, and in two years when you're gone, I won't think about you ever again."
And then he went on about
"And when they ask me what I did with my life I'll say I used to have two kids, but the oldest killed themselves when she was fifteen."
"My sister always said this when we were young because my dad was an asshole. You're basically telling me I'm just as bad as my father, but I'd like to think I'm a better parent than he ever was."
"People who take their own lives are cowards." Etc etc
I then went to my room to literaLLY HAVE A PANIC ATTACk and he later came down and was like "why are you crying? Is this because of school again."
I mean, you just straight up told me to my face that if I die you wouldn't give a shit, but no, it's because schOOL-
This is the one thing I hate about my dad. He literally just doesn't get it, but he thinks he does, and somehow always makes it worse. Other than that he's really caring and nice aside from calling me names and shit. I mean it could be worse although some of the shit he says does really effect me, like one time when I was eleven he joking said something like
"Yeah, keep stuffing your face, pig." As apparently a joke? When I hadn't eaten all day after school and then I actually developed an eating disorder because kept saying it to me almost every time I ate food around him. It's gotten to the point where it's literally so hard for me to gain weight and I'm a fuckin twig even though I really don't want to be this skinny.
But other than that he's a really great parent and shit and I'd mUCH rather live with him than my mom.