
@Msfranta2014 of course!


I loved your books, A new beginning and a change. I literally BAWLED reading the last 5 chapters of a change. Thanks for being an amazing writer.


@o2lisftantasticyah in the serial or just another book?


Im obsessed about a new beginning!!! Please follow me


@o2lisfrantasticyah omg! So many chapters in New Beginning!!!


@Nurdy13 no problem!! And yes that's the next book:)


ur a really good writer I only read to chapter 3 bout to start reading chapter 4 in ur book
          •*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* and I can't wait to read the rest of it I'm surprised u don't have more then just 3books but I have a couple question some about books and some not 
          1•Are u working on any books right now????
          2•Can u give me some tips on how to be a better writer????
          3•Can u go read my First book it's Called TheFourQuadrupletWitches and then tell me what u think of it there's only one chapter named birthday surprise still thinking about the name of the first chapter and it's short but I just wanna see what ppl think 1st then I'll make the chapter longer and also I wanna get some ideas from ppl before I finish the chapter but can u go read it and tell me what u think and give me some ideas for the rest of the book(plz and thank u if u do, do it plz do it)????
          4•Do u have a Instagram???? if u do Can u go follow me On Instagram????
          •**•      My Main Instagram Account
          *••*              Is~Craazzzy_m
          •**•          My Back Up Account
          *••*               Is~qxeeen._.m