
Would appreciate some love being shown to my girls!!


After a much needed mental break I’m finally back.
          I’m going to be 100 percent real with you guys, I have not been doing okay mentally, my anxiety and depression are flaring and my eating disorders are tearing their ugly heads again, so i took a break from Wattpad and hung out with one of my bestfriends and my daddy to get in a better headspace and honestly well I’m doing so much better and I’m thinking clearly! 
          So sorry I disappeared unexpectedly but the break was needed!!


So I didn’t get to really reply all that much.
          Saturday daddy spent the night so I obviously wasn’t online.
          Today daddy left around 6 because he had to be at work and I went back to sleep. I then worked from 5pm to 130am and I am absolutely exhausted


I’m sorry I haven’t been responding like I normally have. I’ve been going in and out of episodes of severe depression and suicidal thoughts. I use role playing as a means of distracting myself however I don’t want to respond to my roleplays that put so much effort into their responses and I can’t match that effort because I lack motivation. I promise I am not ignoring anybody I’m just going through something extremely rough and I’m finally letting myself realize that no I’m not okay, but that’s okay.
          I hope everyone understands and can be patient with me


There’s nothing to thank me for, I’m the kind to love hard and deep. I have put people first in my life when I have been second or third. I know the feeling *she grins* I’m brianna by the way or bri it really doesn’t matter 


So today has been a sort of busy day
          From 1030am to about 1pm I was getting a tattoo
          It is now 2:44 pm. I’m going to take a little nap and then I’ll be going to work at 5pm and don’t get off til 1am. Chances are I’ll be on then if I’m feeling up to it