
Hi everyone. Please take a moment to read this update, as it's very important that as many of my up-to-date readers see this ASAP. Thank you x


@freddiesjawline take care of you, sweetie. I’ll be here if you decide to come back to writing. Hugs!


hi!! so i’ve been wanting to read ur fanfics and i did a couple weeks ago, then i saw we can purchase it on amazon, if we still can, can i have the link? for the brain may stories. thanks!


Hey! Thank you for your interest in my stories. Currently PLG and GYHB are available in paperback. Personally I would prefer for you to read it on Wattpad, just for the algorithm and the rankings etc… but I just updated my linktree in my bio if you’d rather read the paperbacks. The paperback versions are slightly different and “improved” from the Wattpad versions, but it’s completely up to you! 


Hey!! I’m so sorry if this is annoying to be on your feed (please delete it if it is, i hate that wattpad removed the dm feature), I’m absolutely obsessed with PLG and GMTR at the moment (as you have probably seen lol), you’re incredibly talented and you deserve the world for the amount of work and effort, and clear love you have put into those books, thank you for creating this beautiful trilogy.
          I think it’s amazing that you have put all of the work in to get them onto Amazon, and I am seriously considering ordering a paperback of PLG as it’s a work of art!
          I also wanted to ask from one writer to another,, I have been writing riverdale fanfics since I was about 13 and have always literally dreamed of having a hard copy of my own book as a keepsake, can I ask how you got started with it on amazon? If you don’t want to answer that’s perfectly fine!! 
          Stay safe and look after yourself, as I know you have mentioned that you have other priorities at the moment, I truly wish you the best<3
          Have an amazing day Carys!! x


@freddiesjawline Just wanted to say thanks to you and your explanation, my Riverdale fic just went live on Amazon :))


@ficxqueen I think you’re more or less safe from where it looks like you’ve gotten to hehehe 


Thank you so much for replying!! I will have to look into it. Yeah, I saw the copyright disclaimers on yours and thought it was a good idea to disclose that its a representation and that you only own certain characters. Thanks a lot! <3
            I will continue reading and commenting when I am not terrified LOL :)
            Have a lovely day!! <3


Hi everyone. Please take a moment to read this update, as it's very important that as many of my up-to-date readers see this ASAP. Thank you x


@freddiesjawline take care of you, sweetie. I’ll be here if you decide to come back to writing. Hugs!


Hi everyone;
          I promise you I am working on GMTR. I have a lot going on right now. Medical stuff I need to figure out, house issues that need renovations and repair, I've just started my Masters Degree online, and I have some stupid family situations I'm stuck in and can't get out of.
          I'm very active on Tumblr at the moment. My @ is bijouxcarys over there if you want to talk to me or interact with anything I've been doing lately.
          I've not given up on Brian and Maria, it's just taking me a while to get the next chapter out.
          Carys x


@freddiesjawline  im a bit late but hey, dont worry at all!! we dont mind waiting. just take all the time you need, take care and congrats on your masters, love! sending virtual hugs and love 


Don’t worry ml. Take care of yourself. 


@freddiesjawline take your time love, don't rush at all, masterpieces take time ❤️ Anyway, take care of yourself, and I wish you the best of luck on your masters, you'll be amazing! Sending lots of love 


So after being on this site for two and a half years, it came to my realization that I had no reading lists. When making a "favorite Led Zeppelin fanfics" list, I realized that your fics are the only ones that I genuinely enjoy reading on this website.


@freddiesjawline The fact that I prefer rereading my own sh*tty stories over whatever the hell they have on here says a lot. But seriously, you're an amazing writer. <3


@CelestialDragoness Not to suck my own d*ck or anything but I can’t say I blame you. Choices aren’t that good on here gahhhh <3


Two questions is Maria pronounced Mar eye a or Mar eeee a and she's blonde correct? 


@freddiesjawline OKIEEE ALSO IF SHE'S BASED OFF YOU ARE YOU OK? ( denim jacket ant the eating disorder) 


@Queenwillrockyouxo Oh god no haha she’s based largely off of me, so she’s got really dark hair, thick eyebrows, brown eyes. I wouldn’t write a main character that looks like every other OC in every other fanfic lol 


@Queenwillrockyouxo I was thinking cuz she's british BUT I ALL WAYS THOUGJT HER HAIR WAS BROWNISH BLONDE


Hiii you might know me from my personal thank yous chapter and I really love plg gyhb and have yet to read gmtr Im a really really big fan so I know this is a lot to ask but I have 0 readers on my new book (it only has 2 chapters anyways) but I would really appreciate it if you read it or let other people know about it  thankssssxzz


Hope you’re well, first and foremost!   I miss reading about Brian and Maria. What a cliffhanger and my imagination is running wild!


@FatBottomedGirl39 Hi! Thank you so much. I know it’s been a while since I updated, but I am working on it! I’ve got a lot of WIPs at the moment with all my Robert fics as well, but I’m never abandoning Maria and Brian. I have so much planned out and I’ve put too much work into their whole story and timeline to just abandon it. I’m working on it, I promise. I’m currently working on chapter 5, since I always make sure I’m one chapter ahead. I’m halfway done, so I’m hoping I won’t take too much longer. 