
; *pokes* is anybody out there-


/               omg fred. <3


            ; the best. I cried when he died. 


/               he's mine as mine, as well. he deserves sm love. 


            /; one of my favorite characters tbh. ;_; 


“weasley?” cedric’s head tilted. he had talked to fred weasley on occasion, although not often. not often enough to call him by his first name, he assumed. “what’re you doing here of all places? especially at this hour.”
          it was late, that was for certain — and considering cedric was a prefect, he should’ve been scolding. however, he didn’t. simple curiosity took a bit of a hold on him, instead having him ask questions.


            "Cedric?" Fred's own head tilted as well, not exactly expecting him to be here if all places. He was aware he was a prefect, but still. He didn't expect to get caught right away. "Oh, I OH, just getting my sister some snacks. She's been under the weather lately, so I thought I'd get her a few things for her." He holds up a small basket of foods as if to prove his point.


; is it bad i kinda missed this dude? ;-; but it feels so quiet though skskdk


            /; this is Fred's Admin. I just temporarily forgot my pw to fred, but I miss it too. ;-; the nostalgia is hitting me really hard too. I've been thinking of them lately. The locations were really cool too. I'd make a hp discord channel but idk. 


@fredxweasley   ; what are the odds i log in for nostalgia after watching the deathly hallow movie and see this ):  omg i miss the fandom so much as well, i hope there's a way to revive it on here or outside of wattpad </3 and i miss the ogs for sure, it was so much fun. anyways,  miss you loads! not a day goes by where i don't think about old roleplays ):  remember when people used to make accounts for locations?? that was so cool.


            ; this is so late omfg but hi. ;-; I how you're doing okay too. I miss this Fandom and I'll definitely not first forget the memories I made with everyone. <33