
Wow, I havent been on here in a long while. Well that will change soon!!


SO HEY EVERYONE, I HAVEN'T BEEN ONLINE LATELY BECAUSE I'M DOING A SUMMER PROJECT FOR MY AP CLASS AND IT'S 18 PAGES LONG AND I HAVE TO READ 42 PAGES. SO YEAH, SORRY FOR NOT BEING ONLINE  and aside from that I'm just wayy to lazy, to get online and write chapters. However, when I do get time I am working on a new book, finished the prologue and working on the first chapter.


Hey guys! sorry just woke my lazy butt up, but I won't be online til later today! going I check some stuff out IRL. doesn't mean you can't ro on the secrets rp, so keep going and I'll be back before you know it!
          p.s. I'm also naming admins today!
          Lindsey S.


grrr. I swear Wattpad! pick a freaking website format and stick with it!!! i know your trying to improve but everytime people get used to one of the new formats you change it again and its getting on my nerves! like how you change the main page, like i can only see the news feed what happened to clicking over to see my notifications??! -.-


@fastfallingangel yeah im on my tablet, phone and computer,  though the computer isnt helpful. oh I forgot to tag you but I replied in the river chapter


@free_lance Mines a bit faster then that, but then again I'm on my tablet too so.


@fastfallingangel yeah the last notification I got on the computer from you was at 1:22 and for me now its 1:40 in the afternoon. thank goodness I'm also using my phone and tablet that automatically let me know!