Some ppl think that they been through hell. That they are nothing. But lissen to this. Just because u when through something bad dont mean that ur nothing. Ur something. Something great. Something wonderful. I know that u may not bleave this but even that I may not know u.
I will love u for who u are. I know it may sound weird and all. And Im sorry about that. But it like a friend love. If u never had a friend before well guess what. I will be ur friend. No matter what. U may think Im craz. Well guess what I am. And that what make me me. And u know that u may have a tad of crazy in u. So let be crazy to either. Sound fun. Right? All of u are my friends. And that mean I will not judge u for who u are and know what. U are a wonderful person and dont change that. No matter what And know this if u want to ever talk to me about something important Im here for u. No matter what. Im always open for ppl.
Know this. There will be nobody like u. And that what make u u. So dont beet ur self down just because someone said that ur not good enough, or nobody like u. Y want to know why. Because u are. U were not bore onto this earth to be told that. God wanted u to live be happy, beloved.
Well guess that. I love u even on ThAi may not know u. So ill ask u this. Will u be my friend, and lets have fun to gather. So ok to u.
Well aright them. Lets go.!!!!