
@RosesRBlue2 Awe seriously? Well we can just take a marker and color you brown? kay good ;) Hahahah 
          	I know, crazy right!?! If you're coming to see me on the 6th then its only TWENTY SEVEN DAYS AWAY!!!!!!


@freefallinglove Yeah, my sister burns super easy, but I can go like four hours in the direct sun and only get a bit burned, that will go away the next day. She burns easily, but then when it goes away, she's like... TAN. and I'm like PAPER. next to her. 
          I know :( We need to plan everything! It's in like a month that we're going to meet! 


@freefallinglove I don't burn that bad... I've only ever peeled once, and that was in Hawaii, and I'm surprised I didn't blister.... but I STILL DIDN'T GET TAN!!! IN HAWAII!! Ugh, stupid ethnics.... I swear, all my ancestors are from all the white countries. Norway, England, Ireland, Sweden, Scotland, The Netherlands.  UGH, it's so annoying... My sister thinks we're part Asian though, being we don't know my mom's dad's background. She tans easily... Not fair whatsoever....
          Yesss, we haven't Skyped in forEVER.