HELLO ITS BEEN A WHILE! just an update!
i am now a small twitch streamer! less than 200 followers but affiliated and makin it✨ my twitch is freegh0stcall if anyone is interested in checkin me out! i stream warzone, fortnite, dead by daylight, and any other game i have that you'd want me to play.
also, i'm going to be reupdating my Broken Pieces story all the way from 2016! i'm super excited that i'm revisiting it, its been a while and i'd love to get back into it. i want more of my creativity to be broadened and open. so hopefully this will help me.
i hope everyones been okay lately, shits been wild with my dreams coming true and all. its crazy, everything has been happening so fast. but yes, thank you to all the continued supporters through all my stuff. y'all are amazing.