there's barely been interaction with my acc, and that's fine, i haven't been on. honestly, i don't really care. i might unfollow anyone who isn't following me and a few others (ppl with stories i really like) cause i feel like i need a reset. i also might just use another acc completely, i've already got one ready, but i'd like to not have to do that. honestly, my mental health isn't that great, so i probably will be super inactive. i might post some poems, but i also might just save that for my insta. my insta is follow4freescrapmetal btw, so if you want, i'm more likely to be on there, so give me a follow if you want. i'll still try to check on this every now and then, but for the time being, i probably won't be on a lot. i'm really overwhelmed with a lot of things and i'm not really processing that well, so, i'm likely to be very inactive. i'd like to try to get something out though, so i'll see about finding a story. i might also make a book of little shenagins that happen during the day, cause that would be funny and i'd have a lot to draw from. uh, if you have any thoughts, let me know