
New chapter is out. Stay safe people


When will b the nxt update i miss ur story 


Good evening to all beautiful humans staying at home and saving humanity...
          So sorry for the long absence.
          Hope all are doing well.  Stay home and stay safe. And please follow the instructions from your government. I am not going to repeat all the instructions you all have already know them. Stay safe people.


To all my lovely friends, 
          I am so sorry I am not updating regularly. I am really busy with my internship. As much hectic this is, I love this job. This is something I have always wanted. I could never see me doing anything else. So my updating will be really slow, I will try my best to do as much as I can. And also u am not planning on completing this story in a hurry just because I am busy. So please bear with me. 


To all the beautiful people out there,
           first of all I am so sorry I did not post any updates.  I was really busy with college and clinics, I did not get enough time to post updates. I promise I will make it up to you all. And I apologize in advance that I will not be able to post later in this month.  But, I will do it in first week of July again.  
          Thank you all for your support