
    I updated my profile, hope you'll take a look! :) Finished the following chapter, but I won't post until I have a satisfying cover. Any cover-makers you'd recommend? I ♥ you ALL! 


@BTroesser Yeah, Freshman year is a difficult point in my existence. I just had a sad incident with a boy and it turned me back to writing here. I feel that liking someone destroys my writing, everything becomes lighter and terribly naive. Learning things from people who float in and out of your life can help you realize what your words truly stand for.
           The program sounds great! You should definitely keep working, I've always adored your ability to weave language with careful attention to the music of the words. Everything always comes together beautifully. Don't be afraid to begin new things, to experiment. I loved Wickedly Divine though, I really hope you continue.


Hello! Yes! I'm really excited to be experimenting with new styles and ideas and to be writing beyond my comfort zone. I'm FINALLY working on projects I want to donate time to instead of constantly doing what my friends and family expect of me. I'm especially excited to begin Little Moments, although the two introductions I have posted are a little strange and pretty horrible. PLEASE give me some feedback! Constructive criticism would be much appreciated, I understand that what I've written in its current state is quite horrific. 
               What are you working on? I miss your stories! How is college treating you? What's your major? Your profile picture is GORGEOUS!


@DuckieLover You are simply the sweetest person I have ever encountered- each of your comments leaves me wandering around for hours with an idiotic grin! I read them to my friends and family and positively GLOW! :) I can't believe anyone would bother to type the most wonderful things about my story even in its predetermined stages. I'm actually posting tonight- I do hope you'll enjoy it, the drama is currently in fantastic escalation :)


Hello lovelies! Writing this in a small bedroom in England- quite far from home. I'm sorry that I have not and will not be updating until sometime around the seventeenth but the beautiful countryside promises lovely inspiration! You should be appreciative because I got my hands on the slowest computer imaginable JUST FOR YOU! Visiting the bronte parsonage now- I'm stoked!