
I'm back. Seems it's about time for my yearly post, in honor of spooky season and a book that equally pissed me off and rekindled my love of dead stuff, I begin yet another fic. To the 3 of you hanging around you have my eternal appreciation. <3


I'm back. Seems it's about time for my yearly post, in honor of spooky season and a book that equally pissed me off and rekindled my love of dead stuff, I begin yet another fic. To the 3 of you hanging around you have my eternal appreciation. <3


Ok so XYZ is kinda not getting finished anytime soon. Check out my new fanfiction though. I actually post new chapters on it if you can believe that. Should get finished. Eventually. Cheers. (To the 3 of you that might read this...)


Hello all! Seeing as I am freshly dead, I thought it'd be fitting to start this thing with the first chapter of a zombie story. I will respond to any questions or comments when I see them. Enjoy!


@freshlydead I love this introduction so much lol