
omg, thx to everyone who's already voting on my first book. 


          	  CAN I HAVE AN AWARD?!


this message may be offensive
and to think you say you had this plot in your mind for a while, you just fucking joined wattpad 5 hours ago, 5 freaking hours ago! you really think anyone is going to believe you? 


this message may be offensive
okay bitch lets just get to the fucking point, why do you even think to copy my friend's book ri's roar? you know it was ava's own unique plot and you just stole it away from her. this is wattpad, and wattpad definitely does not allow plagiarism. you know you plagiarized ava's book because you even admitted it yourself. so do us all a favor and please take maya's roar down. i will spread this around trying to stop you from continuing anything else you might do. go ahead come at me i don't fucking care at all, but the second someone comes at my friends, we will have some major problems sister. ava already has so much going on so why tear her down even more? so i gladly suggest you take down maya's roar, before this gets even more ugly. 


@euvnoias LOVE YOU, PARIS


lol, you literally stole her plot, and you admitted it? real smooth. so basically, here's what is going to happen - i'm going to spread around that you stole ava's plot. we have proof. you confessed. unless you take it down, i'm going to report you, and i know plenty of other people who would delight in also reporting you. you don't get to mess with my friends.
          you like lucas, right? since you're a lucaya shipper. well, lucas hates people messing with his friends, and he would do anything to protect them. i'm a lot like lucas, sweetheart. 
          also, no, we can't be friends. i don't chill with plagiarizers.


@ohIucaya i agree. and thank you! <3 i always stick up for my friends.


@friarsmatthews yeah, i don't think she should be calling alex or anybody for that matter a bitch, because that's very disrespectful. she shouldn't have even copied the book in the first place. 
            (also i love how you stuck up for avathat is very sweet)


@ohlucaya she admitted it while calling my friend alex a bitch. isn't that ruder?  