Oh Frinky, lord, best protogenos, fart god, saviour, allow me to worship you.
I must recite the pledge, and so I will.
Frinky, o Frinky!
Glibberjorper, thy stomach ist
Thy great glooberfrupper eats teh humans whole
We shall rid the world of unbelievers and boring fartnuts
No more pants for Gaea!
I, TingalTheWattpader, join the cause of Frinky, the all powerful god of funny, pens we find in stationery shops, etc etc and nonsense in general, and will aid Frinky in his cause to eat annoying people
Then we'll dance in a torrent of banana peels in Spanish/Hawaii moustaches, Hawaii flower pattern shirts, and magical rainbow sombreros as we scream a lot!!!