Request- Muscular masc reader who is the youngest police chief just moved into the neighborhood. Later she goes door to door and introduces herself to her neighbors, which one so happens to be the kalageras family. The sisters are filming a video when reader comes over and Sunday staring at her so Mia and Eli teases her when they go to edit the video, so there’s clips of reader in the video and there’s edits of reader and comments about how like fine she is. Couple days later reader gets off work in full uniform and see the sisters struggling to put up the tent for their camping video and goes over and ask them do they need help and they ask does she wanna stay and be in the video so readers says yes, but goes to change into comfortable clothes, while she gone the sisters talk about how she looked in her uniform and they continue to film and the next day before she goes back home to get ready for work she ask Sunday on a date.