Hi darling! I'd just like to extend my thanks for the follow and encourage you to read my fanfics. I'm looking for comments and votes. Feedback and suggestions are important to me. Thank you again very much and have a nice day
@froggurl13 YAH COS THEY FLACKING TOOK IT OFF... like why... im crying. Why'd they have to take a perfectly good game off the market? Why Sponge Bob????
@froggurl13 I like orange soda sometimes I drink it in the mornings and tell my mum its orange juice... ppl are so slow in the morning and blind (which my mum basically is without her contacts)
@froggurl13 I have that effect on ppl *Mysteries Edward Cullen Glare * Don't die (I no I'm hot and stuff...) Funeral costs are a pain in the ass but if u must... die that is.... will there be refreshments after the service