
TSDR- i might have a best friend over today - ill show some pictures of that ❤


          The story "Be My Bully" is heavily referenced off of a story i made when I was little. It was about a dog and her best friend that was a human. The plot, I guess, was that the dog had some kind of powers or something and used those powers to turn into a human at like- the last chapter. I know, shitty. The characters based off of "Be My Bully" actually is my name and my bbg Amy's name. The last name's aren't anatomically correct, though. The whole "plot" of my story is almost romance but gives a little sting here and there. I'm not going to give much detail in Grace's background in the BMB story, but a LOT of backstory is going into "Test Subject 004". That's kinda why the whole book was made. ❤


Guys believe it or not, Basorexia is actually Grace Washingtion's experiences being in the lab she was forced to be in, many years BEFORE she was entered into civilization in NYC. She's had a few names she's brought up during her time in the lab, such as four (004), Basorexia and Grace. Grace Washington is her adopted name to say the least. Just a little continuation for ya'❤