
@Sonwflakerose101 What for, if you don't mind me asking?


Hey, I read you bio about epilepsy and let me tell you that you are an amazing person! My mom developed epilepsy after giving birth to my first sister and it was horrible, nothing was the same. The most simplest things would've triggered her seizures and even my sister and I birth's were risky. Over time it got better with medication, and today she can even drive again and I have never witnessed her have a seizure, but she still get the feeling of when it is about to happen but it doesn't come. It may not be 100% perfect but it's better than where it started. God still does miracles! :) Have a great day!


@peoplemakemenervous Wow, I know that this is almost a year late, but I truly appreciate telling me about the experiences that you have with epilepsy. My siezures became worse when It was pregnant and they both had to be induced early because they were underwieght. My siezures are now mostly under control thanks to modern medicine and CBD derived from cannabis. And no, it doesn't get me high lol


I feel you I have sickle cell anemia and most people dont know what it is


@lunar_alcamest I feel that too and thanks
            And fullmetal brotherhood rocks


@lunar_alcamest  BTW I love full metal alchemist.


@lunar_alcamest  I know about sickle cell,  but I take it apon myself to learn these things. I feel that more people should educate them selves about all sorts of medical problems and not just the issue that they have. 