I've recently went through my emails and saw that wattpad was encouraging me to write sense I haven't done it in a while, which is greatly appreciated. I'll give you the information on to the delay, "I've had a lot going on lately. I've been doing a lot of moving and working. I've also been really sick. So yesterday my fiancee and I went to see medical clinic and found out I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I've been very sick and in bed a lot sleeping or in bathroom hovering over toilet. I've been dealing with a lot lately and kinda lost the motivation to write. I do have my moments where I come up with something good in my head but no way to write it down, for I would be stuck at work. But once things get settled down and figured out I will figure out about my writing."
@frozenember thanks!! Dm your number and I'll give you details. Today I gotta go apply for Wicca. I have already got paper work done with work and Medicaid. I've been so sick lately. Gawd awful. But message me your number and I'll give you details