
I've recently went through my emails and saw that wattpad was encouraging me to write sense I haven't done it in a while, which is greatly appreciated. I'll give you the information on to the delay, "I've had a lot going on lately. I've been doing a lot of moving and working. I've also been really sick. So yesterday my fiancee and I went to see medical clinic and found out I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I've been very sick and in bed a lot sleeping or in bathroom hovering over toilet. I've been dealing with a lot lately and kinda lost the motivation to write. I do have my moments where I come up with something good in my head but no way to write it down, for I would be stuck at work. But once things get settled down and figured out I will figure out about my writing." 


@frozenember thanks!! Dm your number and I'll give you details. Today I gotta go apply for Wicca. I have already got paper work done with work and Medicaid. I've been so sick lately. Gawd awful. But message me your number and I'll give you details




I've recently went through my emails and saw that wattpad was encouraging me to write sense I haven't done it in a while, which is greatly appreciated. I'll give you the information on to the delay, "I've had a lot going on lately. I've been doing a lot of moving and working. I've also been really sick. So yesterday my fiancee and I went to see medical clinic and found out I'm 7 weeks pregnant. I've been very sick and in bed a lot sleeping or in bathroom hovering over toilet. I've been dealing with a lot lately and kinda lost the motivation to write. I do have my moments where I come up with something good in my head but no way to write it down, for I would be stuck at work. But once things get settled down and figured out I will figure out about my writing." 


@frozenember thanks!! Dm your number and I'll give you details. Today I gotta go apply for Wicca. I have already got paper work done with work and Medicaid. I've been so sick lately. Gawd awful. But message me your number and I'll give you details




Well I know I haven't been writing much. It's just been very stressful and writing is hard to do when you have work and a million other things to do, but this weekend I'm gonna start writing an out line for a book. Any tips would help at this point please and thank you.


from experiences,  nightmares,  ideas, and adventures has it for the best stories to write down. its a bit difficult for me to type stuff up with my phone, but it can be done slowly. not quite yet shall I write down my story or stories in general. 


Ideas flow through my thoughts in lightening speed. Frightening nightmares that occur very frequently has me linger on weather I should be on my guard in real life or write away. The daily adventures with friends, family, and my Beloved always has me craving more. So much has happen and still is happening that writing a simple story always changes and moldes into something spectacular. one of these days I will become a famous author but for now I must go on my adventures. 


I will be writing more of my batman fanfic for sure! I have ideas that always come through my head lol this probably is going to muchore unique and my own because I'm adding things that wasn't in comics. like my own characters perhaps put dragons and dead pool in there. if you got any ideas I will be willing to write them in there