
@SmileTilitHurts  thank-you, that means so much. 


I'm commanding you to go read my story... But really man. I just put out a new one "Dinner with the Beast" and if I do say so myself so far it's a pretty good short story about a legend in France surrounding a man eating werewolf beast. Thanks, xo


Please fan back and dont listen to what people have to say i believe in you. You will always be beautiful no matter what. Their all just jealous of you i havent read ur storys but i defenantly ( sorry if i spelt that wrong) will and im sure their better than theirs. Seeya:)


I haven't been on Wattpad that much but I saw that you fanned me and just wanted to say thanks (:
          About that message that's like the second under mine, don't listen to them. I'm sure that you're an amazing person, everything that she's saying is a lie. I know how self harm is, I still do it, and it really sucks. Having people say those things just makes everything worse.
          I don't really know you BUT I LOOVVEE YOUUU and you're awesome, if you ever need to talk I'm here for you (:


Hey I just read your chapter in your amazing book, who ever wrote that mean thing needs to get a life and stay out of yours! I love your story its so good!! Don't let anyone say anything to make you stop writing, because I think I will die inside lol. :)