
Deleting both of my books because they suck


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Alright alright alright so my computer charger just went to shit and broke. I'm actually posting this from my iPhone (I didn't even know they had an app). 
          Anyways, so yeah. I'm getting a new charger today, meaning I'll most likely update tomorrow. That is unless my mom is lazy and doesn't take me to the store. But if she DOES, you get an update tomorrow. 
          I would update from this. Actually, I tried. It's just really hard for me. So yeah. Sorry. Blame my charger. 


Hey :) First off, I just wanna say thank you for all of the reads from my followers. If you don't follow me and read, rock on, you're awesome too.  Just wanna tell you two quick things quick things. 
          First thing is I'm going to start giving shout outs to the people who recommend this story to their friends. For you to win the shout out you can't just say you recommended the book to someone/people, I need proof. They/the people have to direct message me stating your username and that you recommended my book/me. Or, if you're just a regular reader who reads and votes and comments and all that good stuff, you'll also get a shout out. That's the only way you'll get a shout out from me :). 
          Second thing is I'm going to start another book. It's going to be about a girl living in the holocaust. It will describe her life going through all the pain of being Jewish back in WWII. But there's a twist... she falls in love with her concentration camp's main officer. What's going to happen? Will he love her back? Will he brush her off of his shoulder, like her love and passion for him is nothing? Find out by reading ;O. 
          Anyway, that's all. Once again, thank you babes for reading. 


Lmao okay so I know my updating schedule is super screwed up. I know at first I was updating everyday, but things at school are getting more busy, and I just don't have the time. I'll update every time I can. The minimum chapters I'll write per week is three, so don't think I'm gonna turn into one of those people who update once every like 2 months. Thank you so much for reading and voting even though it sucks. Again, I'm mentally praying I gradually become a better writer. Anywho, once again, thank you for everyhting. 


Hey @gracesalazar56 ! ✋❤️
          Would you mind on checking out my very first book? It's H.S fanfic and it's called "Write to Speak". ✌️
          But if you're not in One Direction stuff or if you don't want to, you don't have to! ❤️❤️
          Thank you anyway for even reading this! ✋✌️
          All the love and take care my love! 
          ily✌️❤️ xx


            Thank you so so much♡♡


@-yourwildestdream lmao sure. And sorry, I just now saw this. But yeah, I'll be sure to check  it out.