this message may be offensive
I am crying and shaking/srs. This week there have been 2 BIG ASS SPIDERS IN MY ROOM. I DO EVERYTHING FOR THEM TO STAY AWAY. I CLEAN FREQUENTLY AND I HAVE AN INSECT SCREEN ON MY FUCKING WINDOW AND SOMEHOW THEY JUST KEEP APPEARING IN MY ROOM. WHY MY ROOM?! I REPEAT, THERE HAVE BEEN TWO SPIDERS IN MY ROOM THIS FUCKING WEEK I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS TO THIS HUH?!?!?!?!? I DID NOT NEED TI SEE A SPIDER ON THE WALL RIGHT NEXT TO MY BED AT MIDNIGHT. ATLEAST THE SPIDER ON TUESDAY WAS ON THE CARPET BUT THIS TIME IT WAS RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO ME. HELLO UNIVERSE FUKCING CHILL OUT MY DADS GONNA HATE ME EVEN MORE IF I KEEP SCREAMING FOR HELP AT NIGHT. Also, don’t you find it suspicious that this is happening right after i talked about spiders actually being aliens that want to spy on humans, because spiders existing doesnt even make sense. How did they evolve in the first place? Is noone concerned how they are their own whole kind of species like mushrooms are? BUT ATLEAST MUSHROOMS HAVE PURPOSE. I DONT WANT TO LIVE ANYOMRE. I CANT LIVE ANYMORE. IM TERRIFIED. i never wanted to perish so bad in my entire life. please free me from my suffering. i am still cryibg, and i dont think i will ever recover from this. this is not going to help with halicinations and nightmares at all, i can feel my life worsening. kill me.