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☪︎⋆:・゚TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE ヾ(^-^)ノ
. ⃗. . ♡ hi my baby, my love, my jinsoul !! i wanted to tell you all this in a whole paragraph to gather all my thoughts. and again i’m sorry for keeping you waiting! anyway, i’m not really good with putting out my feelings and shit but i hope this at least makes you smile. we’ve known each other for a few months now and i still vividly remember when we first met when i was johnny and you were chenle. we became good friends even though i had barely been active on here that time, woops— but i always enjoyed talking to you even late at night when i should have been sleeping because you were so sweet and funny and i wanted to keep talking to you. i know i started having feelings for you when i was still johnny but i pushed them away because i was afraid of rejection, but now i know that we share the same feelings for each other. :) later on we became closer and sooner or later we started talking more again after i became active on this account. i would always want to talk to you, even if it was for a little bit cause it always made my day when we just had small talks about how our days went. it all sounds cliché and now i’m embarrassed aaaaah. i want you to know that you’re the most precious and cutest person in this world and you mean everything to me. thank you for being there for me and i promise to be there for you. i realize that i want to be the person that gives you all the love you deserve. i want to give you hugs whenever you feel down, be able to give you cuddles, hold on to your tiny hands to keep them warm, kiss your soft pretty lips, and let everyone know that you’re mine. i just want to protect you and give you many kisses on your face! though i know we’ve been acting like we’re dating for a while, heh- i want to make it official so i could be the only person that gets to be in your heart. so, will you finally be mine?