
this message may be offensive
Currently having a stroke trying to find a story I was reading. I didn’t add it to my library ig and now I can’t find it, I know I had read from the author before and they call their readers “cheese bags” but I can’t find the fucking author or story.
          	H e l p 


@fuckinmint526 hi, I know this is very very very late, but I came across it whilst going through my following list, and I dunno if you ever found the one you were looking for, or if you still need it,, but I believe the author you were talking about is heymoon123? I saw the "cheesebags" bit and knew immediately lmao-


I’m so upset rn it’s not even funny


The story was I think a mikey way x reader maybe ? I’ll be honest, I don’t remember the title or description, but I remember it was like y/n had been friends with Mikey in elementary school, then they went to different schools and he thought y/n moved, but then on the first day of hs y/n runs into him ?? Like in the hallway ? And Patrick stump is in it too I jus- idk mayne 


this message may be offensive
Currently having a stroke trying to find a story I was reading. I didn’t add it to my library ig and now I can’t find it, I know I had read from the author before and they call their readers “cheese bags” but I can’t find the fucking author or story.
          H e l p 


@fuckinmint526 hi, I know this is very very very late, but I came across it whilst going through my following list, and I dunno if you ever found the one you were looking for, or if you still need it,, but I believe the author you were talking about is heymoon123? I saw the "cheesebags" bit and knew immediately lmao-


I’m so upset rn it’s not even funny


The story was I think a mikey way x reader maybe ? I’ll be honest, I don’t remember the title or description, but I remember it was like y/n had been friends with Mikey in elementary school, then they went to different schools and he thought y/n moved, but then on the first day of hs y/n runs into him ?? Like in the hallway ? And Patrick stump is in it too I jus- idk mayne 