I guess you had no idea that you could have persuaded me.
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I guess you had no idea that you could have persuaded me.
I guess you had no idea that you could have persuaded me.
It is downright risible that their obsession with you has not subsided in years, I have witnessed firsthand that cleverness of yours and I will not fault them for striving to recreate it through the substandard emulation that has yet again failed. The fact that these people cannot seem to form thoughts of their own and instead rely on your words instead of what pitiful paragraph their bird-sized brain can conjure is concerning, perhaps their brain cells have all decided to up and leave them since they do not seem to have a mind of their own. But let us be frank shall we, everyone knows there is one person behind all that. Their fixation is but harrowing, that person is without a sense of self, they chip away at their own being, adamant on replacing it with a replication of, well, you. Best be careful of sharing what you have personally experienced on here, there is always someone watching, wishing to purloin it for themselves because of the tedious lives they have led thus far.
My new phone will arrive in two days, talk more then. Sorry to cut our conversation short.
Do keep yourself out of trouble and do know that I will harm anyone who dares to harm you, even if done so indirectly. I came back on here simply to ascertain if Lena made contact during the time I was gone and lo and behold, I now have her contact information which you will receive subsequently.
In better news however, I have acquired the thing I have been desperately searching for. I would show you photos or even a video but it is best appreciated up close and personal, can I interest you in venturing to my hometown in the future? It is one of the places that you have never been to, with how itinerant your lifestyle has been and all. I know I said I lived in that other place my whole life but that was a lie of omission, there is one other place and I plan on uprooting myself and coming to live there in the future. Forgive me for leaving your calls unanswered the day before, there are particular matters that I am dealing with at present which I will recount to you very soon.
Miss you more and more everyday, I hope the afterlife is as wonderful as you imagined it to be.
2 cents: people need to shut up about Norse Mythology, they don't even talk about the interesting parts of it
Developing a video game should be added to your list of goals to fulfill, I'll even program for you
The one thing I'm keen on when it comes to AC is the gameplay, there are times when the story becomes contrived- or all in all boring that I had to either stop playing or skip the cutscene entirely
Biggest, most lovable intellectual nerd that I know
Just remembered that it's your dog's birthday in a few more hours? Happy birthday to that little fella, he's the only animal who's not repelled by me T_T
You know, I used to think that you weren't anything special. You are beautiful, yes, but people tend to get distracted by beauty that they ignore one's lack of substance and then that night- you made me swallow all my doubts, suddenly C and M's praises made sense
I miss sitting in a circle with R and the others, just listening to you drone on and on about history. You'd make a phenomenal cult leader, everyone has no choice but to be entranced whenever you open that mouth of yours
Did you see the footage?
Ghost of Tsushima wait party? Ghost of Tsushima wait party. But honestly? I'm most excited for Cyberpunk 2077 so time to hibernate until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out. See you on the other side, V B)
@kuiperbeIt I did and I’m so angry! I can’t believe I was going to pre-order it. Not to mention the way they treat their game developers — they’re being overworked and for what? TLoU2 is shit, don’t buy it!
...what’s gotten into you? my sister barging into my room, intent on pilfering the final box of the patchi chocolates you sent me, roused me from my slumber. i have, however, successfully hidden the last three boxes of royce from her and have been gradually consuming it. i now understand your frequent “i miss japan” outbursts. i do miss it as well but i suppose i grow attached to anything that concerns you. the tokyo cup de cheese cake is the best cheesecake i’ve ever tasted and i’ve had your cheesecake, which says a lot about it. forgive me for choosing something else over your homemade delicacies but i simply must be honest with you. here’s hoping you don’t throw that ring away? i only had a piece of the morinaga bake cheese before my sister saw it fit to stuff her mouth with what you specifically sent /me/. she says thank you. don’t really like green tea so i let her have the kitkats. my evaluation aside, whenever you’re near me, it’s as if the world bends itself— intent on making space for you, satisfying you and i cannot help but feel a kinship with it because there is naught i wouldn’t do if it gave you a sense of gratification in return; i would bend myself into any shape if you so willed it. you’ve always been firm with me, but never without compassion, you guided me with the gentlest hands and you hid me from the world when i desperately needed it. you make yourself seem nefarious but have you forgotten that you keep dog food on hand at all times in case you happen upon a stray? the donations you’ve made? how, at times, you’d cry to me in the middle of the night because of the people you can’t help, how you always want to do more and more and more for people even when they’re unworthy of it.
i posted this here in order to minimize your teasing but you know what? badger me about it in private, there’s quite a lot i haven’t said, things you deserve to hear, my eternal spring.
tell me then, knowing all of this— who else could i love but you? yours is the face etched into the back of my eyelids, spiderlily. you’re unreal. my dream made flesh. i remember you that morning, steam curling over your features, the smile that stopped me in my tracks. almost broke that coffee mug. i’ve known from the beginning, since seven years ago, that you were the one i’d call for in my darkest night. that my life would only ever be meaningful to me if i spent it alongside you. there’d be a void in my heart if i hadn’t found you in this life... i can only hope that i’d find you in the next and all the others. and like i told you that day: damn everything to hell, i love you. and only you.
Give me Nook Miles
@kuiperbeIt Hmph. Fine. I want a recipe in return. I’ll video call you in an hour or so — then we can figure out what you’re gonna give me.
@kuiperbeIt Five words: all my bitches love me. And all I’m giving you are Jester’s Shoes.
Why'd you delete the song you posted
I know where no one can reach you
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