Thank you, all of you for being a part of my life even if it was small. I grin thinking about all these small memories that I've made when I was 12, 3 years ago in this account. I've just logged in this Wattpad account after 3 years. Wow. How quick time passes by. I'm currently going through my old scrapped books and cringing, but at the same time am in tears, the nostalgia is murdering me. Seeing the comments I got, like the ones below this status post vvvvv brought a wide smile on my face. I hate to say this, but I have not written for 3 years. All I have been doing is drawing. My ambition to become a member of the animation industry have not died out at all too! It's just so amazing to see how much I evolved. My art has become a LOOOOT better and my brain has developed more, hurr. I am shocked I wrote all this.. emotional stories back when I was 12. Kinda messed up too. The nostalgia is still making me cry. I used to be just an Undertale geek in 2016. Now I'm a weeb who draws as if I'd die a day without doing so. My art has improved massively and I'll be heading to an Animation college in a few months, weeks maybe. I have a lot to say, but I am overwhelmed. I love you guys and hope we can talk for today.

if you ever come back on i’d love to catch up!! reading through our rp made me ugly laugh, glad everything is going good <3

@fulawee dam it, I wish I had logged back in Febuary. If you ever do log in again, can you pm me your username for any social medias you use or give me a way to contact you! You were such an important friend to me at the age of 12 and you were like one of my biggest supporters! :( It would be so lovely to have you back in my life! :)