
          	Because of this whole virus thing I have had quite a lot of free time lately so I read a lot of Wattpad books. I found some very good English language fanfictions and thought about it. I have many friends who don't understand english at all. I would like to please those in this situation by translating a few books if their author agrees. I hope you will like the books as well. Have a nice day / evening!


          Because of this whole virus thing I have had quite a lot of free time lately so I read a lot of Wattpad books. I found some very good English language fanfictions and thought about it. I have many friends who don't understand english at all. I would like to please those in this situation by translating a few books if their author agrees. I hope you will like the books as well. Have a nice day / evening!


          Emiatt az egész vírus dolog miatt elég sok szabadidőm van mostanában,úgyhogy sok időm volt Wattpad könyveket olvasni.Találtam pár nagyon jó angol nyelvű fanfictiont és elgondolkoztam.Nekem is van pár kpop kedvelő ismerősöm akik szintén szeretnek fanfictionoket olvasni viszont nem értik olyan jól vagy egyáltalán nem értik az angolt.Az ilyen helyzetben lévőknek szeretnék kedveskedni azzal,hogy lefordítok egy két könyvet ha a szerzőjük is beleegyezik.Remélem nektek is tetszeni fognak a könyvek.Legyen szép napotok/estétek!


Thanks for adding 'The Ghost' and 'Haven' to your reading list! I hope when you read them that you enjoy. Don't forget to leave some votes if you do and let me know what you think in the comments! 
          Thanks again, and I’m excited to hear from you!! 
          Happy Reading!


@DarkLadyAthara thanks i'm sure it will be good