
Hello beautiful people! Chapter five for Blazing Suns will come out sooner than you think! Stay tuned


Hey everyone! I will be updating the endless journey soon. I am planning on re-writing some of the chapters, to add or take away details. It will be finished far from today. On the brighter side, my friend and I are writing a story together. We post two chapters every Saturday. It is a steady schedule, and we work really hard to bring you guys content you deserve. The story is called "The Dark Times The Prophecy  by Skylar_Rose2099" I hope you guys can give it a read. it would mean so much to us. You guys mean the world to me. To know you have the energy to read what comes out of my mind is mind blowing. I know there is about a handful of you guys. But I appreciate every single one. Writing means everything to me, and it brings me joy knowing I can make people happy  through my writing. If its within the mystery, or the romance. Thank you for your patience with me. Its been a while since ive been online. I have been on a long hiatus, and i hope to come back.  Much love, Skylar Jones.


Sorry I haven't answered, my phone has been using up all my space with it's stupid updates & such. No worries about you're phone I hope you get/got a new one (soon). I will probably start up my WattPad stories again I just need the write journal for me to keep up with. Hope you're doing ok! 


@FlutterGoddess800 I finally got a phone c: I'm glad to hear you're alive, lol. Hope you find a journal to keep your story in 


Not to Mention Summer Projects ._.