
@minimandy GOOD AND RAD


@fullofcrazyness pssssst I know I said something before but I'm just here to mention HOW COMPLETELY AWESOME YOU ARE AND HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU FRIEND (on a scale of 1-10 on how completely amazing you are you'd be a 17.7252 5/3 repeating (I think you just broke the scale tbh look at that number) . (Also to note that awesomeness includes all things about someone's personality, like how talented you are, how great you are, how just insanely amazing you are) 
           if you ever want to talk about this or just want to vent to someone I am here and I will listen. No matter what I will be here, ok? And if I could is put a picture of a cat here to make you feel better but I can't do that so just imagine the cutest cat you've ever seen!