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@funcorn28092235  that's wild . Tho ig 8ts universal for parents to blame stuff on phones


@Longstoryshort3 No, no one belived us when we told them ablut him. He acts so nice around them that they think he just cant. The only reason the phone one happens here is because parents think that literally everything is because of your phone. Like you didnt do the dishes? Its because they think you were on your phone. One of my friends did drugs because of her parents and her parents found out about it and blamed it on her phone and took it away. But it was actually her phone that was helping her. Idk how i forget but she ended up overdosing because of her parents. So...... Yeah. But the not being aloud out of your house doesnt really do anything for some people because they would wrather be home than out so they actually are helping them lol.


@funcorn28092235 ya one of them is around my age. No one did anything ? As in all the other parents did nothing too? In our school we once had a protest about the changing of books last year on the first day so no one went and the parents were outside protesting . They fixed it this year. And being grounded must Suck.  I mean you can't yo out of your house? Isn't that more of a cause for someone to act out rather than not? Like the phone part does happen but only when someone goes to extreme . Like there's a guy in my grade, some of the girls from the higher grade keep on continuously and obsessively calling him and he was super distracted so hsi mom took his phone for some time and the girls stopped calling.


So you listen to Taylor Swift?I'm guessing yes


@Longstoryshort3 I know right that's so annoying. I hate dandruff