
part 32 of the Aid has been posted friends!!! with a special warning at the beginning :))))


currently fighting a fever of many degrees and hearing death call my name every time i have a coughing fit. but more Harry and Evie coming during the next week!!!!! (if the lord see fit)


@trulymadlydeeply1998 and i'm always shocked when it happens to me :') ty! feeling better today c:


@funkystyles I swear everyone is sick atm! get well soon!!


Part 24 of the Aid is posted, picking up where the last part left off! feedback is appreciated friends ♡


@funkystyles That’s wonderful! But yes, to think how much growing one does just as a person in 10 years, I can imagine that the transformation you go through as a writer in that time is immense. I for one am happy you kept them up—they gave me comfort and reminded me of my teenage years in the best, most nostalgic way. I know that the factors that need to come together in order to get published are so much vaster then just having talent, but I do wish you the very best of luck in that—I really think you deserve a shot (perhaps your following/reach on here could be an advantage with publishers!), but it’s also great that you’ll have a way to share your writing either way! If there’s ever any news on that front, please do let me know :) I hope I’ll have a little more time to read over Christmas break , so I’ll check out The Aid then! Best of luck and thank you for your thoughtful response 


@trulymadlydeeply1998 oh this is the sweetest thing I've read in a while :'))) thank you so much for taking the time to write this message! I usually cringe at my old writing (like i believe most wattpad writers do lol) but I've left the stories up for the nostalgia and just the good memories of a simpler time. and I'm so glad they're getting love even today! ultimately these boys are what made me discover my love for writing and I'm back on wattpad because of how they have shaped my interests and me as a person. we were all kids passing time here and using it as a creative outlet but i really owe it all to them. to answer your question, i still only write as a hobby and this is my only platform, but my most recent story is an original fic rather than a fanfic since I've started considering trying to get published (and escape the 9-5 purgatory heh). and if it doesnt work out, wattpad has been my second home for over a decade! :) anyway, thank you again for this message, it made my day ♡ and i hope you enjoy my other stories as well and have a lovely day :)


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@funkystyles Hey, I don’t use Wattpad often and didn’t find a way to DM so if this is the wrong place feel free to delete this comment. I just wanted to say that I read drama class + you again and I was so impressed with the writing. I haven’t read a fanfic in over a decade and (because of recent events) was feeling nostalgic so I decided to, for old times sake. After finishing both stories, I was so happy to see you’re still writing/posting here (I’ll check out your most recent story next!). If you don’t mind me asking, I would love to know if you ended up with a profession in writing? Even as a teenager your writing was so good, like WHAT? It really made me feel something and root for the characters!! I wish my 14 year old self knew of this story cause she would have LOST HER SHIT lol. I think you‘re just super talented! Do you have any other social media where you post (again, maybe it’s linked somewhere and I just didn’t find it). Anyways, I hope this isn’t weird but I just wanted to reach out because I was truly impressed and to say that your writing has an impact. Anyways, keep it up :)