
I wonder what kind of book I should write? Anime, real life, or what?


Heyo! I'm going to make another book but we have to have those awesome Black Butler fans!!!! XD Of course your all awesome and some of you ship certain characters like me. Which is Sebastian x Claude I was into Ciel x Sebastian but I don't know what changed me..... Anyway I have a new story coming out called "A unlikely Story" literally, which has Sebastian x Claude again! I wanted to see if you would want to read it. This time its when their younger and in High School as well, but it doesn't connect to my story about them "High School Lovers" if any of you wondered. So please read it when it comes out tomorrow or in the middle of the night. Thanks again, later! :)


@funny_chick14 AWESOME!!! I'm very looking forward for it!!! ≧﹏≦


My Most Favorite Comments From My First Book
          Leave a comment
          an hour ago
          this story is awesome!!!!!! plz continue!!!!
          8 hours ago
          NO!! You must continue! This is by far my most favored book on wattpad and it's just so cute with how they both started remembering each other!! Please continue the story, don't delete it!!
          14 hours ago
          NOO! Please continue this story!!! Keep it going!! You are an amazing writer and those little adorable love scenes between them make my heart flutter! So kawaii!! I also really love the idea that you've gone with here, this way you've given them personalities and they don't seem ooc (does that make sense probably not but anyways). 
          You have my ongoing support! I don't know what else to say! This story, I've practically fallen in love with it! It's perfect in so many ways!! Ugh, I'm not that helpful but please! Don't delete this amazing artwork of yours!! Keep going!! Amazing! Bravo bravo!


I love your story (I've only read one so far but It's really good! I'm sure the other one would be just as good!) because it is exciting to see that more is coming! Also I love turtles as well but my dear old pet turtle died of tragedy. So sad when I know how he died (I think It's a he) ~>_<~. But now I've moved on to some fish and a hamster. 
          BTW Thanks for being such an AWESOME follower! *wink and tries to hold your hand but slips*