
guys. turns out my silly little sore throat and burning ear drums was a throat and ear infection 


@Y3llowsnow thank you <333, i have medication they gave me to take so that's been helping, it's really just my ear being stubborn now, hopefully that clears up soon though!


@ furchtlosflwer  ohww that realy sucks my sister had it a lot and that gives me a small idea of how bad it sucks wishing you the best btw ice cream also realy helps it reduces the swelling in the throat and takes away the pain for a little while. Well atleast it always worked with my sister hope you get well soon<33


guys. turns out my silly little sore throat and burning ear drums was a throat and ear infection 


@Y3llowsnow thank you <333, i have medication they gave me to take so that's been helping, it's really just my ear being stubborn now, hopefully that clears up soon though!


@ furchtlosflwer  ohww that realy sucks my sister had it a lot and that gives me a small idea of how bad it sucks wishing you the best btw ice cream also realy helps it reduces the swelling in the throat and takes away the pain for a little while. Well atleast it always worked with my sister hope you get well soon<33


send help. 
          on the serious side,
          has anyone else ever experienced this?
          my voice is 70% gone, my throat burns, and everytime i swallow or breathe or eat, or just exist even, i can feel the burning go down the sides of my throat and my ear drums, and let me tell you, not pleasant at all. 
          everything down my throat feels dry and gross- like, i want to inhale moisturiser (obvs im not going to) and- i have made a drs app yes, but it's not for 2 days because i live in a shitty little town where even if you're crying in pain, they'll do nothing but make you wait a week until you can see them! so...
          any potentially helpful ideas? :))


@ furchtlosflwer  let me know if it helps


@ furchtlosflwer  drink a lot of warm tea with honey that always helpt mee keep you neck warm with a scarf and just stay warm in general but mostlt the tea with honey


girlies please help. i'm going through an unnatural amount of pain during my period right now. my periods have always been painful but never THIS painful, literally i feel like im going to pass out or throw up from the amount of pain im feeling, and things like pain relief and heat packs aren't helping.
          Any suggestions for what might help?


@ furchtlosflwer i dont know but mabye go to a doctor if it doesn't get better just to be safe<3


hypothetically speaking how do we feel about an 18 year old and 24 year old dating?


I mean it might seem a lil weird but it’s legal so there’s nothing anybody can do 


Don’t like it one bit tbh I feel like they shouldn’t even be considered an adult their brain isn’t even fully developed 


@Y3llowsnow yea same with mine, it was just a debate my friends and i were having and im like. but 18 is literally legal age it's an adult, and they're all like wah wah wah barely that's weird