Uh, thanks for the follow, pupkin (haha get it, pup-kin? instead of pumpkin because of, furries yea sorry) since you've decided to follow me (I dunno why anyone does these days) you may:
•Roleplay with me!
•Chat with me (Avoid saying anything along the lines of: yaoi, Dude! That's my Ghost!, anime, Gravity Falls, or Homestuck, to prevent fangirling(fanboying? *shrugs* I dunno)
Tl;dr ily thank v much -Michael Pin
(whispers: I'm starting to make a fursona/OC… i'm becoming one of you ((I dunno if you should be excited or scared…)), and growing to love the art/ nice community. Although it still kinda freaks me out to see yiff /shrugs/ I'll have to get used to it)