Follow along with the Futanari Moon series on Patreon!

In this world, a cursed moon shines from on high. To bathe in the moonlight is to transform, to become something more...

At the cusp of midnight the horrendous, incandescent moon bursts into the sky. It casts its amethyst rays wide, and those caught within the burning light succumb to the feared moon curse. Those who wander beneath the moon find their hearts corrupted, filled to the brim with insatiable urges of lust, violence and greed.

The moon claims countless souls as the wheel of time turns ever onward.

Futanari Moon is the tale of a bleak, dark world. It's the story of the people struggling to carve out a meaningful existence underneath the omnipresent threat of doom. But there is hope within the darkness. Perhaps it's just a flicker of candlelight - but it continues to shine bright despite the encroaching gloom.

A string of fateful encounters underneath the moon's watch will shape the world for centuries to come.

Adventure. Passion. Sex. Conflict. Love.

The people of this world are not yet ready to give up. They will live life to the fullest and experience every possible joy before meeting the fate that awaits them under the malevolent moon...
  • JoinedDecember 1, 2019