Hi Everyone!
I know I have been MIA for like two years and I just wanted to apologize. I still try to read as many of your comments and feedback as I can and after all this time all of you still manage to make me smile! Your support has been so amazing.
In honor of TMD reaching ONE MILLION reads, I wanted to post to thank you all for reading my work. Four years ago when I started that fan fic I thought maybe a couple hundred people would see it, not millions! My friends who know that I wrote this love to make fun of my "internet fame" LOL but i'm so grateful that anyone would actually take the time to read, vote, and comment on something I wrote when I was 16.
Sadly, I am never going to finish Midnight Memories. I am in graduate school now getting a Masters degree, and eventually a doctorate. All of my writing energy has to go into my thesis. But I will always love 1D and I will always love all of you.
I am still writing and hope to one day publish the novel i've been working on. Maybe then you'll pick up a copy in the bookstore and realize it's me. Until then, all I can do is thank you for sticking with me all this time.
TMD and MM will stay on Wattpad forever to immortilize my iconic 1D phase. I hope you'll continue to enjoy them both and they will always bring you joy and comfort of some kind. And if anyone reads them and thinks that they're trash, please give sixteen year old me the benefit of the doubt!!!
Infinite x's and o's,