
they weren’t lying when they said junior year is the worse school year cause it literally is academic wise but like overall the school year without academics it was definitely one for the books i’m just ready for school to end honestly 


we ended it. More like I ended it and I feel so bad but in order to be able to be there for him fully I had to end it so that I can be there for me cause I I’m not fully all of me yet? I have no idea if that made sense but it hurt so bad but I didn’t wanna not be able to give him everything I’ve been crying but I feel as if I can’t? Idk if that makes sense like I shouldn’t be able to cry/feel this way cause of my decision but it hurts me like it physically hurtssss so bad i know I really like him but I can’t right now I could hardly love myself I need time to fill my own cup so that I could let him overflow mines you know? Ughhhh I hate it so much plus just to top it off my anemia is so bad right now and I’m never at school 


“ have nightmares each week about that Friday in may”


I finished reading the deal it was so good now I’m reading the mistake but the crazy part is I find Logan wayyy hotter then Garrett 


@elliexheavenly  WAITTT I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID 


lol we stopped talking but he met my mom and he got with another girl the day after but todays his basketball game ima kms atp


now we’re talking again but something is off 


we went out on March 16 


oh my were talking again 


I should be asleep cause I have to wake up in 3 hours to get ready for school but before that we have to take my brother to the airport because he’s moving away for work and I’m gonna cry sm because I’m gonna miss him sm but then I have to go to school after isn’t that just lovely 


that’s so cute me and my sister just got in a fight bc she took half my closet with her to colllrge but yeah


@elliexheavenly  he’s doing good he started his new job I miss him smm 


she’s so happy and i miss her so much how’s ur brother 