Hi y'all. For those yang tunggu next chapter, I am so sorry. I've been busy lately and maybe bulan puasa nanti saya akan sambung next chapter, insya'Allah. I appreciated a lot for your patient.
Thank you.
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Hi y'all. For those yang tunggu next chapter, I am so sorry. I've been busy lately and maybe bulan puasa nanti saya akan sambung next chapter, insya'Allah. I appreciated a lot for your patient.
Thank you.
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Assalamualaikum, hello !
As for your guys, saya unpub balik & edit story saya semula. Disebabkan ada sedikit kesilapan and maybe jalan cerita agak pening, also sedikit tidak realistik.
That's all, thank you !
Assalamulaikum, hi-!!
I just want to say thank you for those who read my stories. I was so grateful and happy for you guys support, since this is my first work. However, I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Love you all!