
I need affection...


I want you to know that you are an amazing person. 
          If I don’t get this back I understand 
          But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for You
          Once you have read this message you must send this to 15 people. 
          If you get at least 3 back you are loved. 
          If not Jesus still lives you (we don’t want to discourage anyone)
          Nobody realized how important you are till you lose it. 
          Tonight at 11:59 PM the person you love will realize they love you. 
          Then at 1:00-2:00 PM get ready for the biggest shock of your life. 
          If you break this you’ll have bad luck. 
          With love send this to 15 people. 
          If you don’t you will turn ugly (in other people’s eyes. 
          A friend told me to do this and told me to do it. 
          Tomorrow 2 people will ask for Your number. 
          Send this to 15 people or bad luck will find you this year. 
          This is not fake.


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          Rainy Aurin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
          Topic: Rainy Aurin's Personal Meeting Room
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This is gonna sound weird.... But here goes....
          I NEED A KISS