
Alright, so I essentially said eff It to my DEH fic, and I have decided to start a new one in the making. Hopefully you guys will like it, but its a major work in progress. It's an original story which terrifies me but I am making the characters the way I want them to be. :P Hope yall are excited


Alright, so I essentially said eff It to my DEH fic, and I have decided to start a new one in the making. Hopefully you guys will like it, but its a major work in progress. It's an original story which terrifies me but I am making the characters the way I want them to be. :P Hope yall are excited


Would you guys enjoy if I started back on my DEH fic? I haven't really been active through my writer's block, but I know lots of my followers have enjoyed it. Quarantine will give me time to possibly work on it once I finish off homeschooling work, but even so I really enjoy writing and making people happy.


Do you like Lynch?


@_Not_me_haha_ i have to admit, as much as I am into "Mainstream" Vkei, I have also liked lesser known bands. I like it all around. 


@_Not_me_haha_ Dir en Grey is amazing. Been a fan for a long time now.