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I started writing something the day after I had this really horrible nightmare. But I don't feel like my writing skills can even begin to draw on the actual pain that I felt in this dream- and after I'd woken up. I mean it should've been easy to just shake off, right? After all, I'd woken up and it wasn't real. But I could feel everything, and it was one of those dreams that was so real that you find yourself waking with a start and checking your body to see if you had any bruises or scrapes that you would've had in the dream. And in this instance, I had to check that I wasn't covered in blood. I checked the space next to me in bed to make sure that it was definitely empty. And when I realised that I was alone, i wasn't sure if I felt better or worse. So you see, I could publish it… but it wouldn't do it justice. Nobody would actually understand the feelings or what I saw because everybody interprets things completely differently, and no matter how i describe things, no two people will imagine the setting to be exactly as I saw it, nobody will consider the feelings in the way that i felt them, and nobody will understand the actual loss that i felt after that nightmare. and more than anything, nobody will understand why it's fucked me up so badly.