
Okay. I've decided not to update Train Wreck until I get back to my moms house in August. I will have plenty of updates and I'm sorry but I am having trouble at home and with my wifi. I will continue just not right now. Xx angie 


Okay. I've decided not to update Train Wreck until I get back to my moms house in August. I will have plenty of updates and I'm sorry but I am having trouble at home and with my wifi. I will continue just not right now. Xx angie 


Hey guys! so I'm staying at my dads for the rest of the summer and he has like no internet so I will only be updating once a week from now on so sorry  I'm trying my best sorry I will make them one or two updates at a time.


Hiiii :( so due to some of the hate I've gotten from people about my story "College Boy" I will be deleting it in about an hour or so. Sorry if u liked it but I also have a few other reasons for deleting it. :// ttyl, xx angie