Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! I am pleased to announce a book in the making! A book that I plan to stay with, at least until writers block hits hard and I give up on it for a month, or five! The book is Arrawin, a story of wich the line between fiction and fantasy is blurred, the three characters you may come to know and love are lost within this line and are trying to find their way home although almost all they know about facts and science has be turned on its head!
Now, while I may not write fanfictions anymore, I am not dead. And I do hope that my old followers ,that haven't un-followed for some reason, will give this up and coming book a chance and take it with a grain of salt because no matter what everything I write will be cringe is someones eyes.
Farewell for now, as my keyboard awaits for me to barf up my ideas on a glowing box!