Wrote my first ever story about a week ago so nervous still no reads

Mmm well... I would choose a series that you really like or know really well, then choose if you're going to have a new character in it or just have the original characters doing something that they normally don't do in the original series. Choose a conflict that you think people should know about like parental abuse, love complications, drugs something like that and then build a main story line around the characters that you're using. It's all normal story construction, I'm sure that you can find a better explanation on a website or from a book, LOL better then me any way. X3 For people reading your story... I say try and have it put in to undiscovered gems. Also try having tags that normal people would use, such as the name of the series, name of characters, genre, something like that you know? :3 It'll take some time for people to see it, I know I only had like two people reading my story in the beginning. Also try and make different types of stories to broaden your range of writing, doing that will get more people interested in your type of style. And I can't stress this enough, make sure that you edit your stories, at least two times before putting it up, it helps a lot in the long run.