
What are some good stories to read? I'm starting my library over completely.


can you make me a Hayes imagine and make about me and him dating and I hate my body because I have a bigger body i am bigger than everyone else


I'm so so so sorry about not writing your imagine!! I never really read my conversations so I forgot it.!  I'm gonna write it ASAP


Of course (: I will as soon as I finish writing part 4 to undo tomorrow 


Hey :) this is a random message but I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazing human being and you are not worthless and all those negative thoughts you are thinking are not worth your life! You are precious and cared for by everyone in this world❤️ you are talented and you have a future! It might not seem bright Right now but trust me there is a bright waiting for you! There is a new door that you can open! There is a life that you can keep and live to see! You are beautiful.. I am always here if you ever need to talk xx I love you so much xx