
@nezzie haha glad to have you back haha :)


I read a few entries in your Diary of a Schizophrenic and i just wanted to stay you'll be ok. i know its a struggle I'm not a schizophrenic myself but I'm in love with one. I suffer from many mental illnesses and I'm making it to the other side. Back to normal life. Now when I say normal i never mean a life like what the other girls have who never had a mental illness. I mean that I've accepted what my past is and why my present struggle is and I'm getting stronger from it. nobody except you can choose if you get better. I just hope that you can see that there is a life waiting for you, a happier one. The thing about pain is sometimes it doesn't go away. you just have to accept it and learn to live with it because life will go on with or without you. So no matter what you choose know that there is hope. No matter how many scars or voices or people telling you no there is always hope.


Diary of a Schizophrenic is fictional, but this was a very inspirational message!