
I’m unpublishing everything for awhile. Gonna finish Killer Romance though and hopefully you all will wanna buy it :) 


@gabrielphantom damn, I'm not financially stable yet so I can't really buy your stories  I'm sorry.I really loved killer Romance but you got to do what you got to do to make bread.


I’m unpublishing everything for awhile. Gonna finish Killer Romance though and hopefully you all will wanna buy it :) 


@gabrielphantom damn, I'm not financially stable yet so I can't really buy your stories  I'm sorry.I really loved killer Romance but you got to do what you got to do to make bread.


HAPPY VALENTINES DAYYYY <333333 I hope everyone has fun and feels loved by the people closest to them, and someone else thats closest to you. 
          And by that someone, I mean YOU. 
          I know some days it’s hard to, but today let’s show up for ourselves and do literally anything that makes us feel happy or relaxed or content. 
          Whether that be sleeping, eating your favorite foods, catching up on a show/movie, reading one of my oneshots ;) or just anything that comes to mind! IF YOU LOVE IT, DO IT  :) 
          Valentine’s Day isn’t just about your significant other, and I know I know some of you must be thinking “Wellll of course you’d say that. You have a significant other” yes, yes I do. 
          But ever since I was little my mom taught me that today is about celebrating LOVE with the people you love (who aren’t just your spouse) and also yourself.  
          So please, if you’re feeling down because you don’t have a valentine’s. You do. It’s YOU!!!!
          So get up, or don’t, do whatever you want BECAUSE it’s YOUR DAYYYY <33333333


I have this novel in mind that I’ve been trying to write for over a year now. I will never post it fully on here though. I feel this would take me to the next level as an author, so I’ll most likely get it through an actual publishing company then post it on here, like teaser chapters.