I need help finding this story i once read on here... i have forgotten the title of it and I am not sure if it has been published but either way PLEASE HELP I WANT TO READ IT AGAIN.
So this is the crappy yet detailed description of what i remember, that I have to my friends (lol):
this wattpad story is about a girl who lives with her family and i THINK she’s royal or something, but she is a like a reincarnation of her aunt and one night she gets this letter and then she “dreams” about being with a guy with green eyes and that she was running through their garden maze to get to him and he’s there waiting for her and he’s like “you came” and she passes out in his arms. he has green eyes and turns out to be a vampire and also has a brother who is dating her used to be enemy.
and there’s this ball (i really hope i’m not mixing stories up at this point lmao) and she’s introduced to this dude who’s like her escort or whatever since she’s new to this stuff and they kick it off and she goes to a fancy school and he drives a red fancy car.
he has also been following her past lives (like who she used to be in her past lives) because they all look the same and since he’s a vampire he falls in love with each one and her aunt was one of them and now she’s one of them and he has this shack thing he takes her to in a boat to show her all the pics of him with her past selves.