Xisuma isn't comfortable with shipping, guys! I always made sure to avoid shipping him in my books but if you find something please let me know!
Link to the tweet is on @adrilxa 's page
You have been chosen to be showered in affection. Please post this on the boards of everyone you believe deserve all the affection.
If you receive-
1-2: you're nice
3-4: you're popular
5-6: your a lovable person
7-8: your freaking awesome
9+: I'm jelly
Xisuma isn't comfortable with shipping, guys! I always made sure to avoid shipping him in my books but if you find something please let me know!
Link to the tweet is on @adrilxa 's page
I hope you're accepting reading requests. I've started a new story "an anatomy of a wounded soul". It is a thrill/mystery teen fiction.
I hope you take a chance to read the story.
Please do and leave feedbacks.
Thank you.
If you ever see anyone in public you think might be from Wattpad, the code is “I like your pen.” That way we know we’re from Wattpad without revealing anything. Remember, the answer is “thanks, I stole it from Percy Jackson.” Share this! Let everyone know!
Repost this!
Make this a well-known thing!
Got this from @Pansexual_Dragon, who stole this from @SophieVi345 who stole it from @twistedqueenhere who stole it from @Lams_Forever_900, who stole it from @skylar09781, who ripped it off from tumblr.
Make this a thing!!!!!
70% of people think KotLC is stupid. 25% say they don't care. Post this on your profile if you're the 5% that will take a hardcover KotLC book and slap them
Hey guys, I think I'm going to start over on my oneshots book! I'll take any oneshots i love and copy them down, but the rest is going to go (for now)! Hope you don't mind, and if theres one you want me to save them go ahead and ask!